Election Season and All The Feelings

This presidential election season has already turned out to be quite the roller coaster.  Many of us likely expected as much.  Even if we did not know all the specific details, I think a lot of us were at least somewhat prepared for an intense time.  Even so, we may not talk enough about the emotional drain that can happen as the election season drags on.  There is so much discussion happening and so many constant opinions being offered, either in media or in person. It can be a lot even when people are nice about it. And we know that, often, they are not. So, how do you manage?  Here are a few ideas.

Log off

Many people may already practice this but here is your reminder that you are allowed to tune out of the chatter.  There are no obligations to take in media or have discussions about politics, the election, or our society, if you do not feel able to do so.  Many people believe it is a civic duty to stay informed and involved in society as a way of meeting civic responsibility. I agree.  However, if you are feeling overwhelmed or as though your wellness is being very negatively impacted, that may be a sign that it is time to log off or take some space.  You get to decide what that looks like and for how long you may need to disengage. 

Set boundaries

As with anything else in life, clear and healthy boundaries can make a world of difference.  As it relates to taking in media, you can ask yourself a few questions.  How much of your day do you want to spend consuming information about certain topics?  Do you want to be engaged every day?  While getting information from different sources is important, do you notice that certain outlets make you feel differently?  It is okay to stay mindful of how you feel and to set limits around your tolerance for particular sources of information.

Most of us are also likely discussing this election, politics, and or social issues in person with people around us.  Sometimes we enter these discussions willingly and other times, not so much.  A friend recently described feeling cornered at her job and being asked her thoughts on election developments. She was quite put off about it.  So, it is okay to just not engage.  You can let people know that you are not really talking about the election right now.  You can say something along the lines of, “it really is just so much, I’m trying to not think or talk about it right now, honestly” and feel free to follow up with a change of topic or to excuse yourself to go to another activity. 

If you would like to engage a discussion, you can change your mind at any point, if needed.  If it feels like the discussion is starting to intensify, you can name the feelings you may be having.  You may say something like, “this is starting to feel a little heated, I’m not sure we should continue right now. What do you think?”.  If they insist on continuing you can let them know that for your own wellbeing, you have to excuse yourself from the conversation.  It has been the case for some time now that these kinds of discussions have altered or ended many relationships.  You may begin to feel differently about someone as a result of political discussions, but it is still important to respect their humanity and dignity as well as to expect that yours be respected too.  If that is not happening on one end or the other, that is a good time to wrap things up.

Maintain Hopefulness

Sometimes, it’s not just the political chatter that feels tough. It can also be the uncertainty of the future. It can sometimes feel as though our leaders do not really care about creating a safe, comfortable future for us. I understand if maintaining hope can often feel easier said than done at times.  However, for every disappointing or unsettling development there are also promising and empowering ones.  Seek them out. Let them remind you that there is hope.  Good people with good common sense and good intentions still exist and are busy all around us, in politics and otherwise.   You do not have to be disingenuous and it is okay to honor the times when you may feel less hopeful. However, balancing difficult emotions with positivity helps to regulate emotions. Also, the more positivity and hope that you are able to allow for yourself, the more you are able to radiate back into the world. And we always need more of those.